Garston Mark receives a willing Visitor
At a regular meeting of Garston Mark lodge924 W Bro Derek Gaskell, a visitor from George Harradon Mark lodge 956 was greeted with applause, when introduced as a guest speaker.
W Bro David Toller thanking W Bro Derek Gaskell
W Bro Derek was pleasantly surprised at the reception, prior to his deliverance of the Lecture of the Mark Master Mason’s Degree. The thunderous applause was due to the fact that a number of Garston of the brethren are also members of Everton Royal Arch Chapter; W Bro Derek is also Joshua Elect of Everton Chapter.
W Bro Derek delivered the lecture with enthusiasm and clarity. Garston Mark Lodge was very happy that they had such a well delivered Lecture, which replaced a Ceremony of Advancement.   
W Bro David Toller the Master of Garston Mark lodge, had prepared for the Ceremony of Advancement, however the Candidate was unable to attend the meeting, due to a Business commitment.
It was following a class of rehearsal for Everton Chapter that the Mark Degree became a topic of conversation, during which W Bro Derek offered to deliver a Lecture.

Article and Photograph courtesy of Jack Parker